Journal of JAFSE Vol. 72

Journal of JAFSE “KASAI” Vol. 72, No. 6 November/December 2022

<Special Feature Articles: Recent Factory Fire>
Introductory Note — Editorial Committee of KASAI (1)
Situation of Factory Fire and Warehouse Fire — K. Kobayashi (2)
Investigation into Cause of Hydrogen Explosion at Galvanizing Factory — Osaka Municipal Fire Department (8)
Factory Fire Caused by Fire from Electrical Appliance — H. Tamura (14)
Fire and Explosions Caused by Machinery and Equipment in Occupational Accidents — M. Yashima (20)
Approach to Petroleum Complex by Firefighting Administration in Ichihara City — T. Kidu (26)

Fire Resistance Performance of Corrugated Thin Steel Plates — Hyeonjin Cho (30)
Real-scale Burning Experiment of U-shaped Hanging Banner — Y. Shintani, K. Aoki, T. Nishimura (34)
Research to Understand the Self-extinguishing Process for Better Prediction of Wood Combustion — Y. Chatani, S. Watanabe (38)
Study on Fire Safety of National Treasure “Matsue Castle” using FDS — K. Suzuki, H. Hotta, S. Horiuchi (43)

Report on Summer Science Program for Junior/Senior High School Girls in 2022 — General Affairs Committee (48)
Disaster Prevention Column No. 18: New Progress in Fire Protection and Evacuation Measures in a Building with One Egress Staircase — A. Sekizawa (49)

FIRE REPORT: Investigation of Fire Caused by Leakage of Acetone-dissolved Acetylene from an Acetylene Cylinder — Osaka Municipal Fire Department (51)
FIRE APPARATUS: Rescue Vehicle (Type Ⅲ) — Tokyo Fire Department (57)
Abstracts of Articles in the Bulletin of JAFSE (Vol. 72, No. 3, 2022) (62)
2022 Annual Index of Journal of JAFSE (Vol. 72) (63)


Journal of JAFSE “KASAI” Vol. 72, No. 5 September/October 2022

JAFSE Technology Award 2022 (1)
IoT Fire Alarm System for Construction Sites — M. Ichikawa,T. Takayama,Y. Hamada (2)
Report of JAFSE Student Award 2022 — Student Award Selection Sub-Committee (4)
Effect of Oxygen Concentration on Explosion of Aluminum Powder Clouds — Y. Ueno (5)
Experimental Study on Heat and Mass Transfer inside Timber Specimen under Radiant Heating — A. Sun (6)
Examination of Extinguishing Strategy for a Burner Flame Using a Carbon Dioxide Jet Moved by 2-axis Electric Linear Actuator — Y. Tateda (7)
A Numerical Model for M-θ Relationships of Dowel-Type Timber Connections Exposed to Fire — Y. Nakayama (8)
Prediction of Luminance Affected by Optical Density Distribution of Smoke in Fire — Y. Miyamoto (9)

<Special Feature Articles: Expectations for the Upcoming 14th International Symposium on Fire Safety Science in Japan>
Introductory Note — Editorial Committee of KASAI (10)
Introduction of the 14th International Symposium on Fire Safety Science in Japan — R. Dobashi (11)
What is IAFSS: Its Role for Fire Science and Activities — Y. Nakamura (15)
Encouragement of International Cooperation in Fire Research — T. Tanaka (20)
Looking Back the Involvement of Japanese Fire Research in the Dawn of International Symposium on Fire Safety Science — Y. Hasemi (25)
Various Experiences That Began with Participating in the 2nd IAFSS Symposium — T. Morita (30)
Significance of Participation in International Symposium on Fire Safety Science from a Young Age — Y. Akizuki (36)

Disaster Prevention Column No. 17: Fire Spread Dynamics Survey on Fires in the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake — A. Sekizawa (40)
LABORATORIES: Reactive Gas Dynamics Laboratory, Hiroshima University — W. Kim (42)
DOCTORAL THESIS: A Study on Smoke Control Method Considering Inclined Space Connected to the Outside from Basement Floor of Building — H. Park (46)
NEWCOMERS REGARDING FIRE: Differences on Fire Research Between Student and Professional Engineer and Future Aspirations — Y. Tokuno (50)

FIRE REPORT: Analysis of Lithium Ion Battery Fire to Determine the Cause of Internal Short Circuit — Tokyo Fire Department (52)
FIRE APPARATUS: Foam Tender Fire Truck — Tokyo Fire Department (56)
Request for a Questionnaire Survey to Improve Services for JAFSE Members (64)


Journal of JAFSE “KASAI” Vol. 72, No. 4 July/August 2022

JAFSE Award 2022 (1)
Studies on the Models of Fire and Explosion Phenomena Based on Combustion Science — K. Kuwana (3)
Studies on Experimental Investigation of Various Characteristics and Hazard Prediction in Petroleum-based Liquid Fuel Fire — K. Okamoto (7)
JAFSE Uchida Promotion Award 2022 (11)
Study on Pedestrian Behavior and Evacuation Simulation in Building Fire — A. Jo (12)

<Special Feature Articles: Reconsideration of Performance-Based Regulations in the Building Code>
Introductory Note — Editorial Committee of KASAI (14)
Records and Memories of Revising the Building Standard Law in 2000 — I. Hagiwara (15)
Impact on Us by the Amendment of the Building Standard Law in 2000 — N. Takeichi (20)
Revision of the Japanese Verification Methods for Determining Safe Evacuation — J. Yamaguchi (26)
Examination of Search and Rescue Time by Fire Brigades for Performance-based Code — K. Kagiya (31)

Report on Annual Symposium 2022 JAFSE — Academic Promotion Committee (37)
Prompt Report on Arson Fire Incident at Law Firm in Daegu, Korea — SeongKyung Park and M. Mizuno (41)
LABORATORIES: Japan Electric Cable Technology Center — T. Fukaya (44)
DOCTORAL THESIS: Study on Evacuation Guidance and Evacuation Behavior in Underground Mall Fire using VR — T. Tanaka (48)

FIRE REPORT: Fire Caused by Concentrated Rays of Sunlight Reflected from a House Window — Tokyo Fire Department (52)
FIRE APPARATUS: Rescue Truck(Type II) — Tokyo Fire Department (56)
Abstracts of Articles in the Bulletin of JAFSE (Vol. 72, No. 2, 2022) (62)


Journal of JAFSE “KASAI” Vol. 72, No. 3 May/June 2022

<Special Feature Articles: Scientific Discussion and Efforts Related to Gasoline Arson Fires>
Introductory Note — Editorial Committee of KASAI (1)
Fire Hazard Caused by Gasoline Spilled in a Building — K. Okamoto (2)
Consideration on Smoke Behavior by Multi-Layer Zone Model in the Osaka Kita-ku Building Fire — D. Nii (8)
Criminal Psychological Studies in Recent Arson — M. Kiriu (13)
Development of Fire Suppressor for Gasoline Fires — T. Tsuda, M. Kondo, T. Shinmura (19)
Development of Aerosol Fire Extinguishers Sheet — T. Endo, A. Kikkawa (23)
Progress of Fire Inspection Administration, 20 Years Since the Kabukicho Building Fire — M. Kato (27)

Report on the Case Studies in the 14th SFPE International Conference on Performance-Based Codes and Fire Safety Design Methods — JAFPE Case Study WG (33)
Disaster Prevention Column No. 16: Trends in Residential Fires and Various Measures for Fire Safety — A. Sekizawa (39)
LABORATORIES: Houseplus Architectural Inspection, Inc., Evaluation Dep. Fire Group — A. Sakaguchi (41)
DOCTORAL THESIS: Fire Spalling Behavior of Polymer Cement Mortar Under Ring Restraint Condition — Y. Sugino (44)
NEWCOMERS REGARDING FIRE: What Can I Do for a Construction Company as a Fire Researcher Majored in Chemistry? — O. Heishi (48)

FIRE REPORT: High Voltage Cable Fire by Shrink Back — Osaka Municipal Fire Department (50)
FIRE APPARATUS: 10 tons Water Tank Fire Truck with Motor Pomp — Tokyo Fire Department (55)

Journal of JAFSE “KASAI” Vol. 72, No. 2 March/April 2022

<Special Feature Articles: Present Status of Heated Tobacco Products on the Viewpoint of Fire Safety>
Introductory Note — Editorial Committee of KASAI (1)
History and Current Status of Heated Tobacco Products — S. Yokomaku, T. Fujita, N. Hatakeyama (2)
Research on Actual Situation of Cigarettes Fires and Regulation on Heat-not-burn Cigarettes — Fire and Disaster Management Agency (8)
Comparison Experiments of Fire Hazard between Cigarettes and Heat-not-burn Cigarettes — Fire and Disaster Management Agency (12)
Temperature Measurements and Fire Hazard of Heaters Installed in Non-genuine Heated Tobacco Products — T. Ichikawa (17)
Current Status and Health Effects of Heated Tobacco Products Use — M. Nakamura (22)

Report of Annual Workshop on “Prevention of Wide and Wild Land Fires” — Academic Promotion Committee (28)
Report on Research Activities of Academic Promotion Committee and Specialty Area Committees in Fiscal Year 2021 — Academic Promotion Committee (32)
Miscellaneous Impressions of JAFSE’s Members on the Dojima-kita Building Fire Caused by Arson in Kita-ku Osaka City — Editorial Committee of KASAI (35)
Disaster Prevention Column No. 15: Consideration of the Recent Fire at a Confectionery Factory That Caused 6 Fire Deaths — A. Sekizawa (39)
LABORATORIES: Sumitomo Forestry Tsukuba Research Institute — E. Kuroda (41)
DOCTORAL THESIS: Modeling of Evacuation Behavior for Fire Safety in Large-scale Underground Space — M. Enomoto (45)
NEWCOMERS REGARDING FIRE: Motivation for the Construction Industry and Resolution for a Work in the Field of Fire Protection — K. Aoki (49)

FIRE REPORT: Tracking Fire Caused by Red Phosphorus — Tokyo Fire Department (51)
FIRE APPARATUS: Toilet Vehicle — Tokyo Fire Department (55)
Abstracts of Articles in the Bulletin of JAFSE (Vol. 72, No. 1, 2022) (60)
Program of JAFSE Annual Symposium 2022 (61)


Journal of JAFSE “KASAI” Vol. 72, No. 1 January/February 2022

<Special Feature Articles: Reconsideration of Evacuation Drills>
Introductory Note — Editorial Committee of KASAI (1)
Discussion on the Future of Evacuation Drill — M. Mizuno (2)
Guidance on Evacuation Drills — Tokyo Fire Department (5)
Total Evacuation Drill Based on Phased Evacuation in a High-rise Office Building — H. Kadokura, M. Mizuno, A. Sekizawa (9)
Evacuation Lessons and Challenges Learned from Fire Cases — K. Suzuki, Y. Akizuki (15)

Report: Symposium on Possibility of Experiments on Human Behavior in Evacuation using VR — Sub-committee for Human Behavior in Fire and Emergency (21)
Continuous Glass Partition with Ministerial Approval for 10-Minute Fire Rated Assembly — M. Kishiue, J. Yamaguchi (27)
Study on the Information Gathering Policy in Fire Scenes by Drone — K. Shimizu, K. Araiba, S. Doshida (33)
LABORATORIES: HOKIBARA Laboratory, Waseda University — T. Hokibara (39)
DOCTORAL THESIS: Study on Bending Moment Resistance of Unprotected Composite Beams with Fin–Plate Joints with Rotational Resistance at Beam Ends in Fire — N. Yotsumoto (43)
FIRE APPARATUS: Special Ambulance — Tokyo Fire Department (48)

FIRE REPORT: Imported Car Fire Caused by Its Alternator and Resulting in a Recall — Tokyo Fire Department (50)
Consideration about Fire in a Small Multi-tenant Building with One Staircase in Osaka — A. Sekizawa (55)
Call for Contribution: Members’ Miscellaneous Impression on the Dojima-kita Building Fire Caused by Arson — Editorial Committee of KASAI (59)
List of Supporting Group Members of JAFSE (64)